Spotlight: Chris C.
Chris was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. His parents lived in a homestead house, and he split his childhood between the care of his grandparents and parents. He attended Sunnyside High School and went on to work at Fry’s for about 8 years. His hobbies used to include model ships, battle ships, and aircraft carriers. These days he spends most of his time watching the news, running errands, and going for walks with his dog, Bear. In fact, Chris’s happy place is on his walks with Bear when he can meet new people (or other neighborhood dogs). In his words, “the only way to make new friends is to meet strangers”. Chris is an excellent listener, and his an incredibly sympathetic person. As evidence of this, Chris says if he won a million dollars, he would buy a piece of land and have a wide house built so that he could invite his friends over and they would all have a place to stay. Chris has been receiving services from Project Insight for 15 years.
Ry’s Snacks
Project Insight partnered with our client and local business owner, Ryan, of Ry’s Snacks at the Brain Freeze Ice Cream event. Combining freshly made popcorn with info on our programs was a fantastic way to spend the weekend!
Peaceful Quilters
Thank you to the Peaceful Quilters for selecting Project Insight as their charity for their summer quilting retreat! These fabulous women created wonderful handmade items such as aprons, quilts, and walker bags for our clients.
Owie Owl
These wonderful little owls have rice inside, and can be used to ease muscle pain. Simply pop one in the microwave or freezer, and rest it on wherever it hurts.
Brain Freeze 2019
Southern Arizona Network for Down Syndrome (SANDS) hosted their first-ever Brain Freeze Ice Cream Event, and Project Insight was happy to attend!
Aviva Divas
We are so excited to partner with the Aviva Divas, the quilting group at Aviva Children’s Services. They have graciously taken on the project of crafting beautiful, handmade items for our clients.
Autism Walk 2019
We had a “super” fun time at the 2019 Autism Walk and Resource fair!
Check out one of our clients rockin’ a handmade apron crafted by the Aviva Divas! We have plenty more where this came from, stop in our office to get yours!
Spotlight: Lily's World
At just two days old, Lily had her first brain surgery due to severe congenital hydrocephalus. She is missing the central part of her brain, known as the corpus callosum, which causes epilepsy and limited verbal communication. She has also been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Scimitar Syndrome, a disconnection between her heart and lungs. Though her diagnoses are numerous, her happy and loving nature does not limit her from enjoying life and bringing joy to those around her. Her vocabulary is increasing by the day; just a few weeks ago she said “I love you” for the first time. At eleven years old, Lily has already exceeded the initial expectations of her doctors. This is a miracle that can be attributed to both her and her family’s fighting nature. Lily’s hobbies include reading books, playing with trucks and cars, strolling in her neighborhood in her walker, and playing outside. When asked what she wants others to know about her, she answers: “I have good manners and I like Barney”. Lily is sassy and loves her family (pictured above) fiercely–and the feeling is mutual. Tyler, her brother (pictured below), finds time to Skype with her even during Navy deployment. Tyler…
Spotlight: Rosa Padilla
Years at Project Insight: 15 Rosa has always valued compassion, family, and honesty. These values power the engine that have kept her working in the field of direct care to individuals with disabilities for almost twenty-five years. This foundation was established by her mother. She was a hard-working, single mother of seven, who always made sure her kids were taken care of regardless of what was happening in her own life. Rosa says her mother is her hero, and that is evident in the energy she puts in to her clients, family, and flower garden. As a single mother herself, Rosa believes her upbringing and line of work have fostered a deeper connection between her and her family. Because this field demands a patient attention towards an individual’s needs, Rosa has taught her children by example to listen to one another, to care, and to love. Rosa is proud to work as a care provider for Project Insight for the past fifteen years. In a field in which each client is different, and each day you can expect the unexpected, the communication, dependability, and friendly staff at Project Insight have anchored her to the company. “Any troubles, any questions, they…